On the left you will notice a picture. At first you will appreciate the quality of light as it was a fine winters day. It is true, the sun did shine radiantly down upon our movie making, and indeed we basked in its benevolent light for the better half of Sunday afternoon. Secondly, you will likely comment to a nearby friend, spouse, live-in ex, or to anyone who happens to be within ear shot of your computer, at what a cute red stool that seems to be and how at home it seems in that lovely sun drenched kitchen space. Thirdly and finally, you will realize that it is not merely a kitchen and cheerfully painted piece of furniture, but actually a sound stage and a tripod. It is then that your heart will surly fall and your expectations for our as of yet unborn film will come crashing back to earth, which incidentally is exactly where we want them. Keep them there. Do not let them rise and I promise you that on Tuesday, when we post our film, you will at best be surprised and at worst no more than ambivalent and willing to watch again next week to see if we can raise the bar which we have set so dangerously low. That being said, I'm pretty excited. Thanks for checking in!
It needs to be said that that is a damn good looking kitchen.
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