Friday, February 16

Movie 2- Aidan's Brainstorm and More!

I think I know what an NFL coach feels like. You go to bed Sunday night a little tipsy, feeling great. You got the big win, a week of preparation has paid off. Your players are happy, the owners are happy, your wife is happy, and you feel fantastic. It can be like this all the time. You remind yourself to feel this good all the time.

You wake up Monday morning in a cold sweat, unable to breath. The next game is less than a week away. Your team looked awful yesterday, got lucky, should have lost. There is no way you can pull this together. You'll be destroyed, never make the playoffs, get fired. Who would hire you now? Your washed up. It's over. Might as well try to salvage a little dignity.

Repeat 16 times

No time to focus on the last film. Time to move on. Got to shake off the doubt. Got a film to make.

Tomorrow is a pretty big day, as you Bootleg Robot fanatics already know. It's a big birthday for a special guy: Michael Jordan. MJ has always meant a lot to us here at BooRo HQ, and Phil is a lifelong Buffalo Bulls fan. For Phil, February 17th is one of the biggest days of the year.

Birthdays get pretty weird as you get older. I just want people to come to my house, have Jello, give me a Lego set, and go home, but it doesn't work that way anymore. In this next film, I think it would interesting to follow a typical birthday, for example, Phil's, to potentially comic effect. I think it could tie in with some of Phil's ideas as well. We definitely want to pay more attention and be a little more meticulous. Don't hold your breath.

I'm serious about that Lego set.

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